Set Up a Project

This tutorial guides how to set up your project using the iOS SDK.


Make sure that you have:

  • A account
  • A device running iOS 11 or iPadOS 13 and later
  • The proper Xcode version and macOS device

For reference, see the GitHub sample repository.


Create a project

  1. Open Xcode and create a new iOS app. Select Storyboard for the User Interface and Swift for the Language option.

  2. Go to your target settings to enable the background mode and select: Signing & Capabilities+ CapabilityBackground Modes.

  3. Turn on Audio, AirPlay, and Picture in Picture and Voice over IP.

  4. If you want to support CallKit (receive incoming calls when the application is killed) with VoIP push notifications, enable Push Notifications. You also need to upload your VoIP push certificate to the developer portal.

  1. Establish privacy permissions by adding two new keys with the suggested values in Info.plist:
  • Privacy - Microphone Usage Description.
  • Value: "This app requires the use of the microphone to join a conference"
  • Privacy - Camera Usage Description.
  • Value: "This app requires the use of the camera to join a conference"

After creating your project, install the SDK using either Cocoapods, Carthage, Swift Package Manager, or install the SDK manually. We recommend using the Swift Package Manager because it offers the package management capability that is built-in with Xcode and does not require any third-party tools. For instructions on installing the SDK using Cocoapods, Carthage, or manually, see Installing the SDK.

Install the SDK with Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.

  1. Select FileAdd Packages… to add package dependency.

  2. In the opened window, find the search box and specify the URL to the SDK repository:

  3. Choose voxeet-sdk-ios from the results list.

  4. Select the proper SDK version from the Dependency Rule dropdown list.

  1. Select the Add Package option.

  1. Select your project's target, and in the Build Settings tab, navigate to ENABLE_BITCODE and set the value to NO.