
The VTJoinOptions model defines how the application expects to join a conference.



conferenceAccessToken: String?

The conference access token that is required to join a protected conference if the conference is created using the Create REST API. If the conference is created using the create method, the token is managed by the SDK and is not visible to the application users. For more information, see the Enhanced Conference Access Control document.

Returns: String?


constraints: [VTJoinOptionsConstraints]

Sets the conference WebRTC constraints.

Returns: [VTJoinOptionsConstraints]


maxVideoForwarding: Int?

Sets the maximum number of video streams that may be transmitted to the joining participant. The valid values are between 0 and 49. In the case of providing a value smaller than 0, SDK triggers the videoForwarding error. In the case of providing a value greater than 49, the Dolby.io server triggers an error.

Returns: Int?


videoForwardingStrategy: VideoForwardingStrategy

Changes the video forwarding strategy for the local participant. This method is available only in SDK 3.6 and later.

Returns: VideoForwardingStrategy


Optional spatialAudio: boolean

Enables spatial audio for the local participant who joins a Dolby Voice conference. By default, this parameter is set to false. When set to true in a conference that uses the individual spatial audio style, the application must place remote participants in a 3D space using the setSpatialPosition method.



In the individual spatial audio style, remote participants' audio is disabled until the participants are assigned to specific locations. We recommend calling setSpatialPosition from the participantAdded event to ensure that all participants are assigned to specific positions.