
The VTConferenceOptions model allows defining details of a conference.



alias : String?

The conference alias. The alias needs to be a logical and unique string that consists of up to 250 characters, such as letters, digits, and symbols other than #. The alias is case insensitive, which means that using "foobar" and "FOObar" aliases refers to the same conference.

Returns: String?


dolbyVoice : Bool

A boolean that indicates whether the application wishes to create a conference with Dolby Voice enabled. For more information about Dolby Voice, see the Dolby Voice article. By default, the parameter is set to true.

Returns: Bool


params : VTConferenceParameters

The conference parameters.

Returns: VTConferenceParameters


pinCode : NSNumber?

The conference PIN code.

Returns: NSNumber?


spatialAudioStyle : VTSpatialAudioStyle

Defines how the spatial location should be communicated between the SDK and the Dolby.io server.

Setting the spatial audio style is supported only on SDK 3.6 and later. The earlier SDK versions support only the individual mode.

Returns: VTSpatialAudioStyle