
The ConferenceInformation model gathers conference information, such as:

Available in the package



getConference(): Conference

Gets the Conference instance from the information holder.

Returns: @NonNull Conference - the valid instance.


getConferenceType(): LocalConferenceType

Gets the current local conference type (none, conference, or replay). It is not a conference presentation from the server point of view.v

Returns: @NonNull LocalConferenceType - the current conference type.


getConferenceState(): ConferenceStatus

Gets the current conference state.
All possible states are sufficient to manage a pure conference UX and UI.

Returns: @NonNull ConferenceStatus - the conference state.


isOwnVideoStarted(): boolean

Gets information whether th local participant's video is enabled. This method is helpful in dealing with new privacy features in Android P+.

Returns: boolean - a boolean indicating the proper state.


getConferenceParticipantType(): ConferenceParticipantType

Retrieves the type of the local participant, either listener, normal, or broadcaster.

Returns: ConferenceParticipantType - the current type of the local participant.


isBroadcaster(): boolean

Informs if the currently logged in participant is in the broadcaster mode. This method is useful for webinars.

Returns: boolean - informs if there is a broadcaster in the current session.


isListener(): boolean

Informs if the currently logged in participant is in a listening mode.

Returns: boolean - informs if there is a listener in the current session.


isScreenShareOn(): boolean

Checks if the screen is currently shared from a perspective of a screen share lifecycle.

Returns: boolean - the screen share state.


isSpatialAudio(): boolean

Get the spatial audio flag for the current participant

Returns: boolean - the flag indicating if the spatial audio will be used


getVideoState(): MediaState

Gets information whether video of the local participant is enabled. The state changes as in the following cycle: stopped ▸ starting ▸ started ▸ stopping ▸ stopped.

Returns: @NonNull MediaState - the current non-null enum value.


getAudioState(): MediaState

Gets information whether audio of the local participant is enabled. The state changes as in the following cycle: stopped ▸ starting ▸ started ▸ stopping ▸ stopped.

Returns: @NonNull MediaState - the current non-null enum value.


getVideoForwarding(): VideoForwarding

Provides the maximum number of video streams that may be transmitted to the local participant.

Returns: VideoForwarding


getConferencePermissions(): Set<ConferencePermission>

Provides the conference permissions.

Returns: @NonNull Set<ConferencePermission>