
The MediaDeviceServiceInterface is an interface implemented by the MediaDeviceService.



enumerateAudioInputDevices: () => Promise<MediaDeviceInfo[]>

Enumerates all audio input devices that are available for the local participant.


enumerateAudioOutputDevices: () => Promise<MediaDeviceInfo[]>

Enumerates all audio output devices that are available for the local participant.


enumerateDevices: () => Promise<MediaDeviceInfo[]>

Enumerates all connected audio and video devices that are available for the local participant.


enumerateVideoInputDevices: () => Promise<MediaDeviceInfo[]>

Enumerates all video input devices that are available for the local participant.


getComfortNoiseLevel: () => Promise<ComfortNoiseLevel | Error>

Retrieves the comfort noise level setting for output devices in Dolby Voice conferences.


selectAudioInput: (device: MediaDeviceInfo | string) => Promise<string | Error>

Selects a specific local participant's audio input device for capturing audio during a conference. A joining participant can either use the default audio device or select a different device. All operating systems recognize one default device, however on Windows there is an additional device called the default communication device. Selecting an audio device by providing the communications (only on Windows) or default deviceId causes that the SDK uses the selected device as long as the device is recognized by the operating system as the default device. After changing the default device in the system settings or disconnecting the current default device, the SDK switches to the new default device. When the participant selects the audio device by providing the actual deviceId, the SDK uses the selected device as long as it is available. After disconnecting the selected device, the SDK switches to the default device.


selectAudioOutput: (device: MediaDeviceInfo | string) => Promise<string | Error>

Selects a specific local participant's audio output device for playing audio during a conference. A joining participant can either use the default audio device or select a different device. All operating systems recognize one default device, however on Windows there is an additional device called the default communication device. Selecting an audio device by providing the communications (only on Windows) or default deviceId causes that the SDK uses the selected device as long as the device is recognized by the operating system as the default device. After changing the default device in the system settings or disconnecting the current default device, the SDK switches to the new default device. When the participant selects the audio device by providing the actual deviceId, the SDK uses the selected device as long as it is available. After disconnecting the selected device, the SDK switches to the default device.


selectVideoInput: (device: MediaDeviceInfo | string) => Promise<string | Error>

Selects a specific local participant's video input device for capturing video during a conference.


selectedAudioInputDevice: MediaDeviceInfo | undefined

Returns the audio input device that is currently used by the local participant.


selectedAudioOutputDevice: MediaDeviceInfo | undefined

Returns the audio output device that is currently used by the local participant.


selectedVideoInputDevice: MediaDeviceInfo | undefined

Returns the video input device that is currently used by the local participant.


setComfortNoiseLevel: (level: ComfortNoiseLevel) => Promise<void | Error>

Configures the comfort noise level for output devices in Dolby Voice conferences.