
The AudioCaptureMode model allows selecting the preferred audio capture mode and additional options for the selected mode.

This model is available in SDK 3.7 and later.

Available in the package


mode (Mode)

The preferred audio mode that allows changing audio processing.

noiseReduction (NoiseReduction)

The preferred level of noise reduction.

voiceFont (VoiceFont)

The preferred voice modification effect that you can use to change the local participant's voice in real time.



standard(@NonNull noiseReduction: StandardNoiseReduction, voiceFont: voiceFont): AudioCaptureMode

The default mode aimed at enhancing speech to create a conversation-focused conference environment. This mode optimizes captured audio for speech by aggressively removing non-speech content, such as background noise. The mode is supported in SDK 3.7 and later.

The voiceFont parameter is optional and supported only in SDK 3.9 and later.


noiseReductionStandardNoiseReductionnon null The preferred level of noise reduction.
voiceFontvoiceFontnon null The preferred voice modification effect that you can use to change the local participant's voice in real time.

Returns: @NonNull AudioCaptureMode - The audio capture mode object.


unprocessed(): AudioCaptureMode

Disables audio processing to allow transmitting non-voice audio to a conference.

Returns: @NonNull AudioCaptureMode - The audio capture mode object.