Media Hooks

The media type of webhook allows you to receive a series of notifications for when a recording or live clip changes status. This can be helpful for when you want to automate the download or notifications for when media becomes available.


Setting up Webhooks

Review the Webhooks guide for additional details on creating and receiving webhooks.


The event will be one of the following values:

  • completed is sent when the media asset processing is complete and available.
  • processing is sent when a media asset has been requested and begins processing to generate the appropriate media file.
  • errored may occur if there is a problem processing a request such as if a media asset is being generated from an expired timeline and can no longer be retrieved.
  • deleted will be sent whenever a media asset is marked for removal.


The data payload will contain the following details:

  • mediaAssetId is the unique identifier that can be used with the Media Assets endpoint to retrieve additional details such as where to find the media file itself.
  • type identifies whether it is a clip or recording that is changing state.
  • tokenId is the unique identifier for the token used during a broadcast from which the media is created.
  • streamName is the unique label for the stream.
  • streamId is the unique identifier for the stream such accountId/streamName.
  • startTime identifies the epoch timestamp for when the media is requested.
  • expiration identifies the epoch timestamp for when the media will be marked for removal automatically.
  • metadata may optionally include additional details about the media file info.


Media Clip was Requested

    "type": "media",
    "event": "processing",
    "timestamp": 1725259930753,
    "data": {
        "mediaAssetId": "c6631104197a4091943775697948adbe",
        "tokenId": 1187282,
        "streamName": "test-record-clip",
        "streamId": "dkxfvY/test-record-clip",
        "startTime": 1725259930643,
        "type": "clip",
        "metadata": { },
        "expiration": 1733900336143

Media Clip is Available

    "type": "media",
    "event": "completed",
    "timestamp": 1725260343575,
    "data": {
        "mediaAssetId": "e0ca421e3ee748629d073b6991d4d93d",
        "tokenId": 1187282,
        "streamName": "test-record-clip",
        "streamId": "dkxfvY/test-record-clip",
        "startTime": 1725259874671,
        "metadata": { },
        "type": "clip",
        "expiration": 1733900336143

Error When Recording

    "type": "media",
    "event": "errored",
    "timestamp": 1725261092922,
    "data": {
        "mediaAssetId": "f26120d4443b474b8b1d6e1ecfcbd369",
        "tokenId": 1090418,
        "streamName": "qa_test_stream_for_live_clipping",
        "streamId": "dkxfvY/qa_test_stream_for_live_clipping",
        "startTime": 1725245888000,
        "type": "recording",
        "expiration": 1733896321029