Collect and Monitor Client Analytics with Datadog
Datadog is a tool for monitoring application performance measurements and user engagement.
This page guides you on some of the metrics that are collected and setps to integrate the Millicast SDK to the browser agent.
Client Analytics
To monitor the health of your application, client analytics for monitoring and troubleshooting are critical. You can customize Datadog with dashboards to display collected data such as:
✓ Device analytics such as user agent, browser, operating system, device size, versions
✓ Geolocation details including country, city, ip address and network details
✓ WebRTC statistics like fps, round trip time, jitter, packet and frame loss rates, and bitrate
When combined with our Live Monitoring and Stream Syndication capabilities you can effectively monitor playback issues and track viewer characteristics.
Setting Up Datadog Browser Agent
1. Initialize the Datadog Browser Agent
Include the browser agent:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Early in your application you will need to initialize the agent with details from your Datadog account. You'll need your clientToken and site.
window.DD_LOGS &&
clientToken: 'pub922...187',
site: '',
forwardErrorsToLogs: true,
sessionSampleRate: 100
2. Capture Millicast Track Events
When receiving a track event after connecting, you can send the event.
millicastView.on("track", (event) => {
// ...;
You may also want to capture Broadcast Events for a fuller picture.
3. Collect WebRTC Stats
See the Client Analytics guide to learn more about what media statistics and metrics are captured for the WebRTC connection.
millicastView.webRTCPeer.on("stats", (stats) => {;
4. Setup a Datadog Dashboard
As the events are logged in Datadog, you can create a custom Dashboard to display the metrics that are of most interest to you.
Here is an example payload from the Datadog agent:
"id": "AgA...j",
"content": {
"timestamp": "2024-04-03T18:30:16.236Z",
"tags": [
"attributes": {
"date": 1712169016236,
"candidateType": "prflx",
"origin": "logger",
"session_id": "c98...1",
"raw": "[RTCStatsReport]",
"video": {
"inbounds": [
"frameHeight": 1080,
"totalBytesReceived": 389271613,
"packetsLostDeltaPerSecond": 0,
"mid": "0",
"totalPacketsReceived": 342289,
"bitrate": 3004616,
"mimeType": "video/H264",
"trackIdentifier": "ad5...6",
"frameWidth": 1920,
"jitter": 0.001,
"packetsLostRatioPerSecond": 0,
"totalPacketsLost": 0,
"framesPerSecond": 24,
"id": "IT0...0",
"timestamp": 1712169016229.288
"availableOutgoingBitrate": 300000,
"network": {
"client": {
"geoip": {
"continent": {
"code": "EU",
"name": "Europe"
"country": {
"name": "United Kingdom",
"iso_code": "GB"
"subdivision": {
"name": "England",
"iso_code": "GB-ENG"
"as": {
"number": "AS13237",
"route": "127.n.n.0/16",
"domain": "",
"name": "euNetworks GmbH",
"type": "hosting"
"city": {
"name": "London"
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"ipAddress": "127.n.n.0",
"location": {
"latitude": 0.0,
"longitude": 0.0
"ip": "127.n.n.0"
"view": {
"referrer": "",
"url_details": {
"path": "/demo/index.html",
"scheme": "http",
"port": 5500,
"host": ""
"referrer_details": {
"path": "/demo/index.html",
"scheme": "http",
"port": 5500,
"host": ""
"url": ""
"totalRoundTripTime": 11.284,
"http": {
"useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"useragent_details": {
"os": {
"patch": "7",
"major": "10",
"minor": "15",
"family": "Mac OS X"
"browser": {
"patch": "0",
"patch_minor": "0",
"major": "123",
"minor": "0",
"family": "Chrome"
"device": {
"model": "Mac",
"family": "Mac",
"category": "Desktop",
"brand": "Apple"
"audio": {
"inbounds": [
"jitter": 0.002,
"totalBytesReceived": 12901210,
"packetsLostRatioPerSecond": 0,
"packetsLostDeltaPerSecond": 0,
"totalPacketsLost": 0,
"mid": "1",
"totalPacketsReceived": 51984,
"bitrate": 96272,
"mimeType": "audio/opus",
"id": "IT0...3",
"trackIdentifier": "3e5...4",
"timestamp": 1712169016229.288
"currentRoundTripTime": 0.006,
"status": "info"
Updated 9 months ago