How-to Improve Dynamic Range
The Enhance API will make improvements to the dynamic leveling and dynamic eq to help give better and more professional sounding recordings.
When following the Quick Start to Enhancing Media with step-by-step instructions for processing your own media, you can adjust the body payload in your request.
The range_control value varies the amount of processing being applied for dynamics. Levels for each speaker are measured using the short-term loudness as defined in EBU R.128. The target range is typically between 9dB and 6dB with speech frames given more subtle gains.
The amount can be changed to further constrain or maximize the range depending on the type of media content material you have to process or sound desired.
"input": "s3://dolbyio/public/shelby/airplane.original.mp4",
"output": "dlb://out/airplane.max-dynamic-range.mp4",
"content": {
"type": "meeting"
"audio": {
"dynamics": {
"range_control": {
"enable": true,
"amount": "max"
Updated 6 months ago