These docs are for v2024.05.16. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.12.03.


Using Haivision KB encoder with Real-time Streaming RTMP

Haivision provides professional broadcasting equipment to the streaming industry. The KB series of H.264 & HEVC Internet Media Encoders and Transcoders deliver high-quality video streaming for resolutions up to 4K, available as small form factor portable appliances as well as rack-mountable enterprise-grade servers. The KB Series provides you with multiple options for live event streaming, helping you deliver the highest quality live video to your global internet audience.


Getting Started with RTMP

If you haven't already, begin by following the RTMP Getting Started tutorial. You'll need your publish token and stream name for the steps described below.

See the official Haivision site for documentation, installation instructions, and additional support.

Haivision KB encoder

How to use Haivision KB encoder with RTMP

To get started, log into your Streaming Account. Enter your KB web interface, switch views to the Channel Control Center, and create a new channel.

Follow the Create Channel Wizard prompts to create a channel as normal:

  1. Enter the desired channel name.
  2. Identify your live source for the channel input.
  3. Choose RTMP for the channel output and copy the RTMP publish path from the Publishing tab of the stream token.
    RTMP URL: rtmp://
  4. Enter the RTMP publish stream name from your Streaming Dashboard.
    Stream Name: myStreamName?token=3bc330607a15a0ecebebd8c9ee2a559fd143c937174bd276e213a96425bb107e

With the broadcast credentials set up, the stream is ready to go live. To view the stream, navigate back to your newly created token and switch to the Playback tab. From the Playback tab, copy the Hosted Player path URL and open it in your browser.

How to use Haivision Makito X4 encoder with SRT

To get started, log into your Streaming Account.

  1. Select Live Broadcast from the left menu.

  2. Create your Publishing Token.

  3. Select the Publishing tab to access your SRT Publish settings.

  4. Open your Haivision Encoder.

  5. Specify the following Destination settings:

    Destination Port10000
  6. Specify the following SRT Access Control settings:

    Stream Publishing IDMakito?t=Your_Token_From_SRT_Stream_ID

Recommended Haivision encoder settings

Here are some adjustments recommended by the Haivision support team:

Settings LocationRecommendation
In Input settingsChange Timestamps from System Time to Zero-Based*
In Video Encoder settings > Settings tabChange the Framing from IBBP to IP
In the Advanced tabChange the Codec Present to Baseline
Set GOPFixed Mode with 2000ms
Set Entropy coding modeCABAC
Set Recommended Bitrate4,000 @ 720p

*Note: The timestamp seeding seemed to be the magic change on the KBs.

Learn more

Learn more by exploring the developer blog and code samples.