These docs are for v2024.05.16. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.12.03.

Platform Requirements


Broadcast has which ones we support, this goes into detail around:

  • How to choose which codec?
  • How it impacts bandwidth, quality, etc.?
  • What is supported and where?


If you have an environment that is behind a restrictive network, use the following information to create the proper firewall whitelist configuration to enable the Real-time Streaming services to pass:

Network Traffic TypePort / Type
WebRTC flow443 / TCP - API calls

49152-65535 / UDP - Millicast WebRTC Media Server
STUN/ Real-time Streaming employs the following ports:

443, 3478, 5349 / TCP and UDP
RTMP Publishing1935 / TCP - for unsecure
443 / TCP - for secure
SRT Publishing10000 / UDP

We also recommend whitelisting the following domains:

  • *
  • *

Restricted countries is a global platform for developers, no matter where they reside. However, we have to respect U.S. government sanctions applied on some countries and territories. The following table lists all countries, regions, and entities that are currently restricted in some way from using Streaming APIs fully.

Country / Region / EntityISOAccount creationPortal accessStreaming APIs accessTransact paymentReason
Belarusian banksN/AN/AN/ASanctioned banks are blocked by StripeNoUS sanction
ChinaCN-156YesYesYesNo active block, requires consultationBusiness decision
CubaCU-192NoNoNoNoUS sanction
IranIR-364NoNoNoNoUS sanction
North KoreaKP-408NoNoNoNoUS sanction
RussiaRU-643NoNoCustomers are blocked.
API users are not blocked.
NoBusiness decision
Russian banksN/AN/AN/AAll banks are blockedNoUS sanction
SudanSD-729NoNoNoNoUS sanction
SyriaSY-760NoNoNoNoUS sanction
The United Arab EmiratesAE-784NoNoNoNoUS sanction
Ukraine - CrimeaUA-43NoNoNoNoUS sanction
Ukraine - DunbassUA-09

NoNoNoNoUS sanction
Ukraine - SevastopolUA-40NoNoNoNoUS sanction