These docs are for v2024.05.16. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.12.03.

Feed Hooks

Activity Feed for Change of Publishing State During Streaming

The feeds type of webhook allows you to receive an activity feed for platform events such as when a stream has started or stopped publishing.


Setting up Webhooks

Review the Webhooks guide for additional details on creating and receiving webhooks.


The event will be one of the following values:

  • started is sent when a broadcast has been started
  • ended is sent when a broadcast has been terminated either by the publisher or due to timeout

Each individual stream will send started and ended events.


The data payload will contain the following details:

  • feedId: unique identifier for the feed
  • accountId: the publish token account id
  • name: the publish token stream name
  • streamId: the publish token id
  • started: epoch time when the stream was started
  • active: boolean flag indicating if the feed is still active


  • ended: epoch time when the publishing feed was ended (only included when the stream has ended)


Feed started

Event callback for when a publishing token begins broadcasting.

  "type": "feeds",
  "event": "started",
  "timestamp": 1638463486489,
  "data": {
    "feedId": "369e4a86-f937-4254-bd9f-99dc484d2bd6",
    "accountId": "ZG6NWV",
    "name": "sample_stream",
    "streamId": "ZG6NWV/sample_stream",
    "started": 1638463486359,
    "active": true

Feed ended

Event callback for when a publishing token stops broadcasting.

  "type": "feeds",
  "event": "ended",
  "timestamp": 1638463501075,
  "data": {
    "feedId": "369e4a86-f937-4254-bd9f-99dc484d2bd6",
    "accountId": "ZG6NWV",
    "name": "sample_stream",
    "streamId": "ZG6NWV/sample_stream",
    "active": false,
    "ended": 1638463500963

Here is an example of the webhook body:

  "type": "feeds",
  "event": "ended",
  "timestamp": 1638463501075,
  "data": {
    "feedId": "369e4a86-f937-4254-bd9f-99dc484d2bd6",
    "accountId": "ZG6NWV",
    "name": "sample_stream",
    "streamId": "ZG6NWV/sample_stream",
    "active": false,
    "ended": 1638463500963