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Packaging iOS Projects

This guide explains how to set up your environment to successfully package Unreal Engine (EU) projects for iOS.


Make sure that you have:

  • A computer running macOS
  • Unreal Engine
  • An Apple Developer Account

Generating a Provisioning Profile

  1. Open Keychain Access on your Mac, and from the top menu bar select Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Create a Certificate For Someone Else as a Certificate Authority.
  1. Provide the required information, check the Saved to disk option, and click Continue.
  2. Log in to your Apple Developer Account and go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.
  3. In the Certificates tab, create a new certificate by clicking the plus icon.
  1. Select iOS Distribution and click Continue.
  2. Upload the Certificate Signing Request by clicking Choose File and selecting the certificate signing request you created earlier using Keychain Access. Click Continue to confirm.
  3. Click Download on the next page to download the certificate.
  4. In Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, open the Identifiers tab and add a new identifier by clicking the plus icon. Click Continue on the next page.
  5. Select the App type and click Continue.
  6. Provide a Description and a Bundle ID, click Continue, and select Register on the next page.
  7. In Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, open the Profiles tab and add a new profile by clicking the plus icon.
  8. Select the App Store option from the Distribution section and click Continue.
  9. Select the App ID you have created and click Continue.
  10. Select the certificate you have created and click Continue.
  11. Enter your Provisioning Profile Name and click Generate to download your profile.

Setting up your Provisioning Profile in Unreal Engine

  1. Open the Unreal Editor and navigate to Edit > Project Settings.
  2. In the Project section, select Packaging and set the Build Configuration value to Shipping.
  3. Navigate to the Platforms section and select iOS.
  4. Click Import Provision and select your Provisioning Profile and certificate.
  5. In the Bundle Display Name section, enter your Bundle Name and Bundle Identifier you defined in your Apple Developer Account.