
Updates to the Web Client SDK (v3.4.1) and iOS Client SDK (v3.4.0)

Web Client SDK


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where changing the position of the local participant did not update the participant's position on the Dolby.io server.

  • The Web SDK now triggers the autoplayBlocked event when the autoplay policy of Google Chrome blocks the audio from being played automatically.

iOS Client SDK



  • Full support of the Spatial Audio feature on iOS 15.4 and higher.

  • The iOS Client SDK is now compatible with Macs with the Apple M1 chip.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where initializing the SDK affected AVPlayer output volume.

  • Fixed an issue where the SDK did not deactivate AVAudioSession when leaving a conference, resulting in the SDK continuing to receive and handle AVAudioSession events including route changes events.