
Updates to the Dolby.io Virtual Worlds plugin for Unreal Engine (1.1.0) - Added support for Unreal Engine 5.2, native Apple Silicon, and Ubuntu 20.04 and later. Additionally, the plugin now supports screen sharing, device management, simplified video rendering, muting remote participants, and selecting the preferred spatial audio style and video forwarding strategy.

Dolby.io Virtual Worlds plugin for Unreal Engine



Breaking Changes

  • The On Connected event now returns the conference ID. This change is not backward-compatible and will require users of version 1.0 to align their Blueprints.

  • The On Video Track Added and On Video Track Removed events now return complete information about the video track instead of just the participant ID. This change is not backward-compatible and will require users of version 1.0 to align their Blueprints.


Bug Fixes

  • Improved video stability. In particular, fixed crashes related to video resolution changes.

  • Fixed an issue where the plugin could not be loaded if it was placed in a path that contained UTF-8 characters.