
Updates to Web Client SDK (v3.9.0-beta.1) - Introduced the ability to join a conference as a listener who can connect to the conference using real-time streaming. Additionally, introduced support for transmitting the local participant's audio from a custom track, sending the computer's audio to remote participants while sharing a screen, and modifying parameters of the shared screen.

Web Client SDK



  • The SDK now allows joining a conference as a listener who can connect to the conference using real-time streaming. This way, listeners can receive only one mixed audio stream and one mixed video stream from the conference. To use this feature, call the listen method and set the listener type to mixed, as in the following example:

    const conference = await VoxeetSDK.conference.fetch('CONFERENCE_ID');
    const options = {
      type: 'mixed'
    await Voxeet.conference.listen(conference, options);
  • Added the ability to send the computer's audio to remote participants while sharing a screen. This option provides a more natural experience if audio is an important part of your shared content. Enabling audio is supported only on Chrome and Edge for users who use the Opus codec. On Windows, the method allows sending the system's audio. On macOS, the method allows sending audio from a browser tab. If you want to start using this feature, call a new startScreenShare method and set the audio property to MediaTrackConstraints.

  • Added the ability to transmit the local participant's audio from a custom track to a conference. It allows transmitting audio from a non-microphone source, which may be useful if you would like to add bots to a conference. It also allows you to use custom audio processing. If you want to start using this feature, you can either call a new start method that uses MediaStreamTrack or use a new customAudioTrack parameter while joining a conference.

  • Added the ability to modify parameters of the shared screen, such as its resolution or frame rate. To modify the parameters, call a new startScreenShare method and use the video property.

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