
Updates to Dolby.io Virtual Worlds plugin for Unreal Engine (v1.1.5) - Fixed a memory leak during screen share.

Updates to Dolby.io Virtual Worlds plugin for Unreal Engine (v1.2.0-beta.7) - Fixed a memory leak during screen share and added the option to put C++ SDK logs into the Unreal Output Log.

Updates to React Native SDK (v3.10.0) - Introduced the ability to use the Standard audio capture mode in non-Dolby Voice conferences, modify participants' voices in real time, modify names and avatars in a conference, and receive two shared screens in one conference. Additionally, introduced a new preview method that allows the local participant to test different capture modes and voice fonts before a conference.

Dolby.io Virtual Worlds plugin for Unreal Engine


Bug Fixes

Fixed a memory leak during screen share.


Beta 7 Changes

The Set Log Settings function now takes an additional Log to Console parameter that allows the C++ SDK to log directly into the Unreal Output Log.

Beta 7 Bug Fixes

Fixed a memory leak during screen share.

1.2.0 Features

  • Added the option to blur the background of the local camera feed.
  • Added the Update User Metadata function that allows users to change their name and avatar URL after joining a conference.
  • Added the Set Audio Capture Mode function that allows users to select the noise reduction mode and voice font to apply to the local user's audio.
  • Added the Get Token From URL function that allows users to obtain a client access token from a URL.
  • Exposed error handling mechanisms to Blueprints.
  • Added the Get Current Video Device function.
  • Added text chat functionalities:
  • Added the Get Current Screenshare Source function.
  • Added the option to select the video codec to be used in the conference. Selecting video codec "none" means that the conference is audio-only.
  • Added the On Local Participant Updated event.

1.2.0 Changes

  • The Enable Video function now takes an additional parameter, which indicates whether or not to blur the background of the local camera feed.
  • Removed data related to bot injection from the Participant Info structure.
  • The On Disconnected event is now also triggered automatically after receiving an error that disconnected the client from the conference.
  • Renamed the Get Dolby.io Token function to Dolby.io Get Token Using App Key And Secret.
  • The W_DolbyIOSampleMenu widget is now placed in Content/WidgetSamples and is composed of several other sample widgets to control groups of functionalities:
    • W_DolbyIOSampleAudioControls
    • W_DolbyIOSampleConferenceControls
    • W_DolbyIOSampleDeviceControls
    • W_DolbyIOSampleScreenshareControls
  • The sample video planes and the sample video material are now placed in Content/VideoSamples.
  • The Connect function now takes an additional Video Codec parameter that allows the user to set the video codec to be used in the conference.

React Native SDK



  • Introduced the ability to change the capture mode in non-Dolby Voice conferences and use either the Standard or Unprocessed mode.

  • Introduced a new voiceFont property to AudioCaptureModeOptions that is supported in the Standard audio capture mode. Voice fonts allow participants to modify their voices in real time to improve social interaction in entertainment scenarios. For more information about this feature, see the Using Voice Fonts guide.

  • Introduced a new preview method that allows the local participant to test different capture modes and voice fonts before a conference. The method sets a preview recorder that records the participant's audio and plays it back. Before playing the recorded audio, set the captureMode to a preferred setting that you wish to try.

  • Introduced a new updateParticipantInfo method that lets participants modify their names and avatars while they are in a conference.

  • The SDK now supports receiving two shared screens in one conference.


Changed the default value of the audio capture mode in non-Dolby Voice conferences to Standard with high noise reduction. This setting optimizes captured audio for speech by aggressively removing non-speech content. If you want to transmit non-stationary background sounds to a conference and create a more natural audio experience, you can set noise reduction to low, which offers a similar experience as the default setting in previous releases. If you wish to transmit non-voice audio to a conference as well and use input device setting without any processing, use the Unprocessed mode.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a video view issue that caused a problem with rendering video elements on Android devices.