
Updates to C++ SDK (v2.5.5) - Fixed an issue causing frequent camera restarts on Windows and Linux when starting a conference and fixed an issue where the token refresh callback could be invoked while the SDK was in the process of shutting down, which could cause a crash. Additionally, modified the behavior of SDK destruction.

Updates to Android Client SDK (v3.10.1) - Renamed the cancel method to stop; the method now allows stopping recording and playing audio samples, it no longer removes audio samples from memory. Additionally, renamed the RecorderStatus model to AudioPreviewStatus, and fixed issues with retrieving the AndroidTrack pointer and not receiving audio from remote participants.



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing frequent camera restarts on Windows and Linux when initially joining a conference. This issue was most prevalent with cameras connected via USB.

  • Fixed an issue where the refresh token callback could be invoked while the SDK was in the process of shutting down, which could cause a crash.


Modified the behavior of SDK destruction. The destruction is a synchronous (blocking) operation and thus should never be done in the then callback or any event handler. Destroying the SDK in such places used to lead to deadlock. After the SDK update, the SDK aborts such operations and explicitly logs the reason.

Android Client SDK



  • Modified the cancel method responsible for canceling audio samples. The method is now renamed to stop and lets you stop recording and playing audio samples. It does not longer remove audio samples from the memory.

  • Renamed the RecorderStatus model to AudioPreviewStatus.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where retrieving the AndroidTrack pointer for setBufferSizeInFrames triggered the IllegalStateException error.

  • Disabled the low-latency mode in WebRTC to address audio problems on some specific Android devices.