
Introduction of the Native Desktop SDK (v1.0.0-beta.1) and updates to the Android Client SDK (v3.2.3) and iOS Client SDK (v3.2.1)

Native Desktop SDK



Introduced the new Native Desktop SDK platform that allows creating native desktop applications for video conferencing using any JavaScript framework. The platform includes the Dolby Interactivity APIs Web SDK and the modified Electron open-source framework for creating desktop applications that can use the Web SDK. Desktop applications created using Native Desktop SDK offer:

  • Access to the file system

  • Offline mode

  • The Dolby Voice Client codec that provides high audio quality and clarity by adjusting the participants' volumes, reducing background sounds and echoes, and offering a spatial sound that plays participants' audio from specific directions

  • Video filters that allow blurring the participants' backgrounds or replacing the participants' backgrounds with selected images

  • An option to check the comfort noise level and set the level to the desired value

For more information about Desktop SDK and its features, see the Desktop SDK document.

Android Client SDK


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with audio and video synchronization

  • Fixed an issue with reporting Dolby Voice errors to the SDK

iOS Client SDK


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with audio and video synchronization

  • Fixed an issue with reporting Dolby Voice errors to the SDK