GraphQL API Real-time Streaming provide a Graph API to query both stats and real time info about the service. The url entry point for the service is:
To perform requests to the api, you need to authenticate using a bearer Authorization request header with the API token from the dashboard.

You will be able to query the following entities:
Feeds: Information about a media source being published into a stream
StreamViews: Information about the viewers of a stream
This information will only be accessible during 30 days after publication/view is ended, and the number of records returned is limited.
Aggregated stats Real-time Streaming will aggregate the stats for each stream in 5 minutes intervals and provide the following
StreamStats: started views, ended views, active views, duration of the views
AccountStats: Aggregated stats for your account
The stats will be available within 1 year after being generated, so you can perform historical queries.
For example, to find the current active publications you can perform the following query:
feedFindMany(filter: {active: true}) {
See the GraphQL documentation and the GraphQL Reference API for additional information on available models, resolvers, and types.
Updated about 1 year ago