Feed Hooks
Activity Feed for Change of Publishing State During Streaming
The feeds type of webhook allows you to receive an activity feed for platform events such as when a stream has started or stopped publishing.
Setting up Webhooks
Review the Webhooks guide for additional details on creating and receiving webhooks.
The event
will be one of the following values:
- started is sent when a broadcast has been started.
- ended is sent when a broadcast has been terminated either by the publisher or due to timeout.
Each individual stream will send started and ended events.
The data
payload will contain the following details:
- feedId is the unique identifier for the source feed.
- accountId is the account id associated with the publishing token used.
- name is the stream name for the broadcast.
- streamId is the combination of account and stream name to identify the playback url.
- started is the epoch time for when the stream was started.
- active is a boolean flag indicating if the feed is still currently active when the hook fired.
Optionally the webhook may include:
- ended is an epoch time for when the publishing feed was ended (only included when the stream has ended).
Feed Started
Event callback for when a publishing token begins broadcasting.
"type": "feeds",
"event": "started",
"timestamp": 1638463486489,
"data": {
"feedId": "369e4a86-f937-4254-bd9f-99dc484d2bd6",
"accountId": "ZG6NWV",
"name": "sample_stream",
"streamId": "ZG6NWV/sample_stream",
"started": 1638463486359,
"active": true
Feed Ended
Event callback for when a publishing token stops broadcasting.
"type": "feeds",
"event": "ended",
"timestamp": 1638463501075,
"data": {
"feedId": "369e4a86-f937-4254-bd9f-99dc484d2bd6",
"accountId": "ZG6NWV",
"name": "sample_stream",
"streamId": "ZG6NWV/sample_stream",
"active": false,
"ended": 1638463500963
Here is an example of the webhook body:
"type": "feeds",
"event": "ended",
"timestamp": 1638463501075,
"data": {
"feedId": "369e4a86-f937-4254-bd9f-99dc484d2bd6",
"accountId": "ZG6NWV",
"name": "sample_stream",
"streamId": "ZG6NWV/sample_stream",
"active": false,
"ended": 1638463500963
Updated 7 months ago