
Updates to C++ SDK (v2.3.0) - Introduced the Apple silicon support, added the ability to select the video forwarding strategy when joining a conference, deprecated methods for getting audio levels, and introduced a new dolbyio::comms::audio_levels event




  • Introduced initial Apple silicon support for the macOS platform.
  • Added the ability to select the video forwarding strategy when joining a conference.
  • Introduced dolbyio::comms::recording_status_updated and dolbyio::comms::video_device_error events, as well as their respective handlers.
  • Introduced the register_component_version API allowing applications to register their component information with the SDK.
  • Improved camera behavior on all platforms so cameras will not turn on/off in order to adapt to new resolutions.
  • Allowed joining shared spatial scene demo conferences.


  • The sample code on macOS can now not render video when an application runs in the background, which reduces the audio/video synchronization offset.
  • Introduced a new dolbyio::comms::audio_levels event and deprecated methods for getting audio levels from the conference service. After an application registers to the new event, the event is triggered periodically.
  • Updated Boost to 1.80.
  • Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1.s.
  • Updated WebRTC to m105.
  • Updated FFmpeg to cf30b538e522703924ce3ef68ddfbd557a29d93f.

Bug fixes

Deprecated APIs