
Updates to the Web Client SDK (v3.4.0-beta.2) Android Client SDK (v3.4.0-beta.2), and Conference REST API

Web Client SDK



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the audioTransmitting property does not reflect the correct audio transmitting status.

  • Fixed an issue where a 503 error occurs after a remote participant leaves a conference that is enabled spatial audio.

Android Client SDK



  • The Android Client SDK now allows joining conferences with enabled video.

  • Added the DemoOptions and DemoOptions.Builder models that allow setting spatial audio in demo conferences and checking if spatial audio is enabled.

  • Added the following parameters to the ParamsHolder model:

    • setTtl: Allows customizing time after which the SDK terminates empty conferences.
    • setRtcpMode: Allows setting the bitrate adaptation mode for video transmission.
    • setLiveRecording: A boolean that enables and disables live recording.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the audioTransmitting property does not reflect the correct audio transmitting status.

  • Fixed an issue where a 503 error occurs after a remote participant leaves a conference that is enabled spatial audio.

  • Fixed an issue where the decline method is not responding properly on Conference Access Token enabled keys.

  • Fixed an issue where audio devices continue to be managed by the SDK after leaving the conference.

  • Fixed an issue where unsubscribe did not function as expected.

  • Fixed the following issues with FilePresentation:

    • convert did not resolve properly
    • Issues with FilePresentation logic
    • Duplicate presentation events added to list of known presentations



Added a new Set Spatial Listeners Audio REST API that sets the spatial audio scene for listeners.