
Introduction of the Desktop SDK (v1.0.0)

Desktop SDK



Introduced the new Desktop SDK platform that allows creating native desktop applications for video conferencing using any JavaScript framework. Combined with the Dolby.io Communications SDK for Web, this modified Electron open-source framework allows you to create native desktop applications that offer:

  • The Dolby Voice Client codec that provides high audio quality and clarity by adjusting the participants' volumes, reducing echoes, and offering spatial sound that plays participants' audio from specific directions. The codec also offers DNN-based Noise Reduction (DNR) that improves voice clarity by reducing background noises, such as keyboard typing noises and breathing sounds. This feature is based on a deep neural network and provides an improved noise reduction to make virtual meetings more productive and pleasant.

  • Video filters that allow blurring the participants' backgrounds or replacing the participants' backgrounds with selected images.

  • The video denoising option that improves video quality.

  • An ability to use the application without an internet connection.

  • An option to use all native APIs available in a computer's operating system.

  • An option to check the comfort noise level and set the level to the desired value.

For more information about Desktop SDK and its features, see the Desktop SDK document.