
Updates to the Android Client SDK (v3.3.0-beta.1) and iOS Client SDK (v3.3.0-beta.1)

Android Client SDK


Bug Fixes

  • Modified the audioLevel value for the muted local participant. When the local participant is muted, the audioLevel value is set to a non-zero value, and isSpeaking is set to true if the audioLevel is greater than 0.05. This implementation allows adding a warning message to notify the local participant that their audio is not sent to a conference.
  • The Android Client SDK's native libraries are now loaded with some delay to prevent an Application Not Responsive (ANR) error, which can result from starting the application.

iOS Client SDK


Bug Fixes

  • Modified the audioLevel value for the muted local participant. When the local participant is muted, the audioLevel value is set to a non-zero value, and isSpeaking is set to true if the audioLevel is greater than 0.05. This implementation allows adding a warning message to notify the local participant that their audio is not sent to a conference.
  • Fixed an issue where a participant is unable to turn on the screen share option immediately after turning it off.