
Updates to the Web Client SDK (v3.1.1), iOS Client SDK (v3.1.0), Android Client SDK (v3.1.0), Remix and Streaming REST APIs.

Web Client SDK



  • Introduced the Video Forwarding feature to allow participants to dynamically control the number of transmitted video streams. The Video Forwarding article describes in detail the changes to Interactivity APIs.

  • Introduced updates to the client SDK to support the use of conference access tokens for limiting the scope of participant permissions. The Enhanced Conference Access Control article describes in detail the changes to Interactivity APIs.

iOS Client SDK



  • Introduced the Video Forwarding feature to allow participants to dynamically control the number of transmitted video streams. The Video Forwarding article describes in detail the changes to Interactivity APIs.

  • Introduced updates to the client SDK to support the use of conference access tokens for limiting the scope of participant permissions. The Enhanced Conference Access Control article describes in detail the changes to Interactivity APIs.


Modified the support for the startAudio and stopAudio methods. These APIs are now available for the local participant during Dolby Voice conferences.

Android Client SDK



  • Introduced the Video Forwarding feature to allow participants to dynamically control the number of transmitted video streams. The Video Forwarding article describes in detail the changes to Interactivity APIs.

  • Introduced updates to the client SDK to support the use of conference access tokens for limiting the scope of participant permissions. The Enhanced Conference Access Control article describes in detail the changes to Interactivity APIs.


  • Modified the supported Android versions. The Dolby Interactivity APIs Android SDK is now compatible with Android 5.0 and later versions.

  • Modified the support for the startAudio and stopAudio methods. These APIs are now available for the local participant during Dolby Voice conferences.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue with the unavailable screen share option for participants who accessed the conference using Android 10 and later versions. The fix introduces the ScreenCapturerService for Android 10 and the next Android versions.



Modified REST APIs

All API calls now require the HTTP header Content-Type with the value application/json.

Deprecated REST APIs

Deprecated the Destroy Conference API. The API continues to function for backward compatibility.