
Updates to the Web Client SDK (v2.4.0), iOS Client SDK (v2.4.0), and Android Client SDK (v2.4.0).




  • Introduced camera resolution auto adaption based on the server-specified available transmission bandwidth. The feature is available only on Chrome and Safari for non-simulcast clients and does not apply to screen-share functionality.

  • Introduced the average and max value of the rtcpMode, deprecated the best value.

  • Introduced a mechanism to report client-side exceptions to the service for centralized diagnostics.

  • Added a feature to report a reason for the client leaving a conference.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with a promise that could not be rejected or resolved while calling the startVideo method with no camera access.

  • Fixed an issue with media transmission quality indicator not working on Safari and Firefox.

  • Fixed an issue with emitting the CreateAnswerError exception after joining a conference.

  • Fixed an issue where the SDK has returned 0 after calling the audioLevel method on Safari.

  • Reduced the chance of frozen video at the far end when the user closes the browser tab to leave a conference.

iOS Client SDK



  • Introduced the isSpeaking method.

  • Introduced a mechanism to report client-side exceptions to the service for centralized diagnostics.

Android Client SDK



  • Introduced the fetch method.

  • Increased the Android audio level to match the values available on iOS.

  • Introduced a mechanism to report client-side exceptions to the service for centralized diagnostics.